Quiz (Test) in Moodle

With the provision of a Quiz, you can support and assess students' individual learning progress through created questions. Your participants can review learning content at any time and test their knowledge. Various question types are available to you (multiple choice, true/false, short answer, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and more). Once created, questions can be used across multiple tests and platforms as needed. Grading scales allow you to simulate a test situation. The grading is done automatically

Test Creation

  • General settings
  • Prerequisites
  • Completion tracking

Creating Categories and Test Questions

  • Create test questions
  • Import and export questions
  • Question types

Assembling, Editing, and Grading Tests

  • Assign questions
  • Edit questions
  • Test review: Preview
  • Grading

Reusing Tests

  • Backup and restore
  • Import
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