
My Profile

Once you have successfully logged in, you will see your name displayed at the top right of the screen as confirmation.
If you click on your name, you can log out again via Logout and edit your profile via Settings.

On the page that opens, click on Edit profile.


After logging in, you will find yourself directly on your personal dashboard. The dashboard is an overview page that gives you quick and easy access to important information about your course rooms and the learning platform in general. You can also edit the dashboard and customize it to your personal needs by adding, moving or removing blocks

My Courses

Under My courses you can see a list of the courses in which you are a course instructor or participant.
You can filter the courses according to the following options:

You can also search through your courses and sort them by course name or by last access. A view is possible in tile or list format.

You can specify the number of courses to be displayed if the course list becomes too long, e.g. during a semester. Click on the icon () to remove a course from the view.

You can open the course room by clicking on the course name. If this is your first time in the Moodle learning environment, you will not yet find any courses in the overview.